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How Can Pilonidal Sinus be Removed?

While we often seek the easiest and best solutions for everything, sometimes enduring a bit of inconvenience may be necessary for outcomes favorable to one’s well-being. In the case of pilonidal sinus, neither medication, creams, nor herbal mixtures, which have become tools for scammers, prove effective in its treatment. Even non-surgical treatments, which are proudly mentioned for other diseases, do not work for pilonidal sinus. These procedures may be performed, but they do not completely eliminate the problem because it is essential to ensure the thorough removal of the hair nest under the skin. This is only possible through pilonidal sinus surgery. Before delving into how to remove pilonidal sinus, let’s understand how we encounter this issue.

How Does Pilonidal Sinus Form?

Pilonidal sinus, a condition we mentioned as not being an illness, is a problem frequently observed in individuals who sit for extended periods, slide instead of sitting upright during sitting, and experience excessive weight and sweating. Every day, whether you notice it or not, 40 to 100 hair strands fall out due to the renewal cycle of your hair. The ones shed at the end can reach our back and, through movement, the area around the tailbone. In humans, there are trillions of invisible holes present from birth. The hairs accumulating in these holes find their way under the skin around the tailbone. While it may not be a problem initially, continuously entering hairs will increase, leading to mild pain and inflammation.

Do not look for a solution to your pilonidal sinus problem with drugs, herbal mixtures, etc. To be frank, I must say that the only way to address this issue is through pilonidal sinus surgery. Is there no non-surgical solution for pilonidal sinus? Surgery is a must for pilonidal sinus resolution because the hair nest must be removed with its capsule, and it must be ensured that not a single hair remains under the skin.

How is Pilonidal Sinus Surgery Performed?

There are 14 different pilonidal sinus surgeries developed to date. Many of them have become obsolete, and the most advanced among them is the Bascom method, with Micro Sinusectomy being an improvement upon it.

What is Micro Sinusectomy Surgery?

Pilonidal sinus surgery used to be like torture until the Micro Sinusectomy was introduced. People couldn’t believe it when they saw the success. Micro Sinusectomy, which lasts for 10 minutes, does not require hospitalization or dressing changes after surgery. Patients can return to their homes, work, or school after the surgery. While other surgeries require cutting an area of almost 30 cm where the hair nest will be removed, Micro Sinusectomy only involves a 2 cm incision to extract the hair nest.

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