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What Helps with Hemorrhoids, How to Reduce Hemorrhoid Complaints?

Hemorrhoids are a condition that occurs in the anus and rectum, causing complaints such as bleeding, pain, and itching. They are divided into internal and external types. Internal hemorrhoids are located in the rectum and are divided into four stages. When they protrude outside the anus after the 3rd stage, they can be felt by hand. External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, occur in the skin around the anus. The most commonly encountered type in society is internal hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are a very common condition, and nearly one in every two people may have encountered hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. While it may develop and resolve on its own in some patients, in others, especially when constipation problems persist, hemorrhoids can progress to levels that negatively affect their quality of life.

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

In this article, we will discuss some home remedies that can help reduce hemorrhoid complaints. However, these methods are herbal applications that can be applied at home and are aimed at reducing your complaints. For the complete elimination of hemorrhoids, you need to undergo treatment with surgical methods.

Prevent Constipation

The most important factor contributing to the formation of hemorrhoids is constipation. If you have constipation problems and strain during bowel movements, you must first abandon the habit of straining and find a solution to your constipation.

How to Relieve Constipation?

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Increase your physical activity. Perform daily walks. A sedentary lifestyle not only contributes to constipation but also to various health problems.
  • Consume a diet rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain fiber).
  • Ensure that you chew your food thoroughly before swallowing.
  • Pay attention to your bathroom routine; when you feel the need to have a bowel movement, evacuate the toilet within a minute. Never postpone bowel movements.

Some Foods that Help with Constipation:

Nuts: Dried fruits such as dried apricots, figs, and prunes are foods that are good for constipation. You can especially help the functioning of the intestines by consuming these nuts with a glass of warm water before breakfast.

Water Consumption: Water consumption is essential for our overall health. It is recommended to drink about 2-3 liters of water daily. If you tend to forget to drink water, you should put an end to this habit and use various reminders to increase your water intake.

Bran: Bran is a food that is good for constipation. It can be added to yogurt and consumed.

Flaxseed: Another product that is good for constipation is flaxseed. It can also be added to yogurt and consumed.

Senna Leaf: Another product that helps increase bowel movements is senna leaf. However, if consumed excessively, it can cause severe diarrhea, which is not advisable. It is recommended to try senna leaf as a last resort and consume it in the same amount every day. Otherwise, as mentioned earlier, it can lead to serious and severe diarrhea problems.

Warm Water Sitz Bath

A warm water sitz bath is a widely recommended method for reducing complaints related to hemorrhoids. You can fill your bathtub or a basin large enough to sit in with lukewarm water (not hot) and sit in it for about 10-15 minutes.

You can have a warm water sitz bath as often as you like, especially after the bowel movement, for about 10-15 minutes.

Opt for Loose and Cotton Clothing

To help keep the anal area clean and dry, it is preferable to choose loose and cotton underwear instead of tight and polyester clothes that can cause sweating. This way, the area will remain ventilated, preventing sweating and reducing irritation due to itching.

Don’t Spend Too Much Time in the Bathroom

Complete your bowel movement without straining within 1-2 minutes, as mentioned earlier, and leave the toilet. Using warm water during cleansing, even having a warm water sitz bath for 10-15 minutes after defecation, can be beneficial. In addition, avoid bringing devices such as phones, tablets, magazines, or newspapers that may cause you to spend a long time in the toilet.

Do Not Delay Bowel Movements

Especially for those who prioritize hygiene, using a restroom other than home may not be preferable. Delaying bowel movements can lead to hemorrhoids and exacerbate existing ones. Therefore, it is recommended to evacuate your bowel when you feel the need.

Hemorrhoid Medications Can Be Used

Again, it should be emphasized that medications and other methods mentioned do not have the superiority to completely eliminate the disease, i.e., cure it. All the practices, foods, and medications mentioned can be used to alleviate symptoms.

For medication advice, you can consult your doctor.

Which Department to Consult for Hemorrhoid Treatment?

For the examination and treatment of hemorrhoids, you can consult general surgical specialists experienced in proctology.

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